What We Believe
Belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is at the heart of our faith. Christians believe that Jesus is God's Son. Jesus reveals to us that God is our Father, and that God is available to us through the Holy Spirit.
At Ascension we have been given a vision of generosity based on Matthew 10 v 8:
"Freely you have received, freely give."
God, in Christ Jesus, has blessed us with true and abundant life. His call upon us is to freely give to others what we have freely received from Him.
Firstly, this means being Christ centred, spending time with Him, learning from Him, receiving from Him.
Secondly, it also involves looking outwards, engaging with the people around us, passing on to them what we have received. Through our shared lives we will be able to come alongside those in our community, bringing God's love and compassion to the needs of those around us.