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Cafe Church
Café Church

On the first Sunday in the month we have Café Church which begins at 10am in church.


This is a shorter, interactive service lasting around 45 minutes and breakfast is provided free of charge.

We look forward to meeting people who are new to church, and would especially like to invite families with children to join us at this service.

Cafe Church Feb5.jpg
Communion & Worship Services

We have a 10am Service every Sunday and everyone is welcome to join us for coffee, tea and cakes after the service.

Each week these services will vary and may be a Worship Service or a Communion Service.
We have an 8.30am Said Communion Service on the first and third Sunday of the month.

​Our midweek Communion Service is at 10.30am every  Wednesday.

​For details of all our Services each week please visit our Calendar Page or the list of upcoming events on the Home Page.

Our services, apart from the Cafe Church, are streamed online via Zoom at

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